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A neatly organized classroom shelf contains a variety of educational materials and tools. There are wooden trays, colored boxes, abacuses, and charts. Each shelf is filled with learning aids, prominently featuring items like math boards and counting tools. The environment is bright and has a warm, inviting atmosphere typical for a Montessori setting.
A neatly organized classroom shelf contains a variety of educational materials and tools. There are wooden trays, colored boxes, abacuses, and charts. Each shelf is filled with learning aids, prominently featuring items like math boards and counting tools. The environment is bright and has a warm, inviting atmosphere typical for a Montessori setting.
A stack of academic books focused on entrance exams such as SSB Interviews, CDS, and CLAT. The books are neatly arranged, displaying a variety of colors and fonts, each with distinct covers indicating the title and the publisher.
A stack of academic books focused on entrance exams such as SSB Interviews, CDS, and CLAT. The books are neatly arranged, displaying a variety of colors and fonts, each with distinct covers indicating the title and the publisher.
